★ GMAT・sentence correction ★エレガントな英語表現の登竜門 ★
Directions: Choose the best way to express the part in the bracket. (A is the same as the one in the bracket)
■ Gsc4-13 ■ 230924sun
[International loans that are extensive and in some cases exceeding the total equity of the lending bank have exposed them] to insolvency, since borrowers, hard-pressed by changes in interest rates and oil prices, have found repayment impossible.
(A) International loans that are extensive and in some cases exceeding the total equity of the lending bank have exposed them
(B) International loans that are extensive in size and exceeding in some cases the total equity of the lending banks expose the lenders
(C) International loans, extensive in size and in some cases exceeding the total equity of the lending bank, expose them
(D) Extensive international loans, exceeding in some cases the total equity of the lending banks, have exposed the lenders
(E) Extensive international loans, in some cases exceeding the total equity of the lending bank, have exposed them
★ Power QUOTES ★高品位英語社交の基本★
“You feel right because your starting toward your destiny.”Magicians 230924sun
●1066● My watch is [ r@@@@@@@@@ ] to water. ( waterproof ) 230924sun
Directions: Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
L3-3 It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody woud think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of [ ….. ] .
*[A] maturity
[B] fiction
[C] inventiveness
[D] art
[E] brilliance
→ Answers and more
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